Manifest for Software Engineering, Object-Oriented Design, and Object-Oriented Programming Courses, University of Cincinnati Co-PIs: Professor Harold Carter, Adjunct Professor Richard Conn Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Cincinnati Mail Location 30 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0030, 513/556-4781 (Harold Carter, work) Release Date: 6 May 1993 Support Credits: Development of the Software Engineering course was funded by the Ada Joint Program Office through DARPA/CMO BAA 91-18 (Curriculum Development in Software Engineering and Ada) as announced in the 16 July 1991 issue of the Commerce Business Daily. We wish to thank the AJPO and DARPA/CMO for their support and interest in this project. Work was done jointly by Professor Harold Carter and Professor Richard Conn. Development of the Object-Oriented Design and Object-Oriented Programming courses was funded by the University of Cincinnati, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Work was done by Professor Richard Conn. We also wish to thank the manufacturers who worked with us to bring their products into the university environment for our use and the use of our students at very reasonable cost. Those manufacturers are identified in the "Tools Required" list below. Tools Required: 1. Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0 is used to edit the *.mww files 2. Microsoft PowerPoint 3.0 is used to edit the *.ppt files 3. Interleaf 5.0 is used to edit the *.doc files 4. PKWare PKZIP/PKUNZIP 1.1 or equivalent (Info-ZIP) is used to manipulate the *.zip files 5. A validated Ada83 compiler (we checkout out all Ada source code on Sun/Verdix Ada, DEC VAX/VMS Ada, and Alsys Ada) Rationale for Tool Selection: All tools were chosen for two principal reasons: (1) they are high-quality tools with which we had previous experience and (2) substantial university discounts are available from their manufacturers (so it is relatively inexpensive for professors to acquire them for personal and class use). Tools from other manufacturers may or may not have also been considered, and no statement is made or implied, positive or negative, by not referencing them. Note on other file types: 1. The *.exe files are PC executables. Source code for all executables is included in this distribution, and ready-to-run executables for IBM PC compatible computers running MSDOS 3.3 or greater are also included. 2. All other file types are either ASCII text or program-specific data files. ZIP File Naming Conventions: 1. All files are prefixed by the characters C01 2. Those files prefixed by the characters C01P contain Postscript copies of the printable documents in their counterpart files (e.g., C01PSE1.ZIP and C01PSE2.ZIP contain Postscript copies of the files in C01SE.ZIP) To unpack these files, each *.ZIP file should be unpacked in its own directory to eliminate problems in file name conflicts between different *.ZIP files. Use the command pkunzip to unpack the file "" on a PC. The unzip program from the Info-ZIP group on the Internet can be used to unpack these *.ZIP files on UNIX, VAX/VMS, Macintosh, and a variety of other systems. Software Engineering Course File List (see below for contents): ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:16:08 C01SE.ZIP 620163 ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:17:22 C01LAB1.ZIP 451682 ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:17:46 C01LAB2.ZIP 217031 ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:18:52 C01LAB3.ZIP 1310460 ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:19:40 C01LAB4.ZIP 780422 ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:20:06 C01LAB5.ZIP 230581 ---a 4 May 1993 0:39:38 C01LAB6.ZIP 20017 ---a 2 May 1993 21:51:20 C01PSE1.ZIP 990680 ---a 2 May 1993 21:51:44 C01PSE2.ZIP 422295 ---a 2 May 1993 22:46:20 C01PLAB.ZIP 217400 Object-Oriented Design Course File List (see below for contents): ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:20:40 C01OOD.ZIP 343619 ---a 2 May 1993 22:47:18 C01POOD.ZIP 597264 Object-Oriented Programming Course File List (see below for contents): ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:21:10 C01OOP.ZIP 337197 ---a 2 May 1993 23:20:54 C01POOP.ZIP 672600 Disclaimer: This courseware, software, and documentation are provided "AS IS" and without any expressed or implied warranties whatsoever. No warranties as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose exist. The user is advised to test the software thoroughly before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk and liability of using this courseware, software, and documentation. In no event shall any person or organization of people be held responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or inconsequential damages or lost profits. ************************************************************************* 1 File, 620163 Bytes ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:16:08 C01SE.ZIP 620163 Searching ZIP: b:C01SE.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 17311 Stored 17311 0% bf23cf85 --w PKUNZIP.EXE 1312 Implode 775 41% 149cfff6 --w README 586567 Stored 586567 0% 707a7a66 --w SLIDES.ZIP 40219 Implode 15118 63% b33963d7 --w LP.MWW ------ ------ --- ------- 645409 619771 4% 4 All student notes are contained in a single document called Class Notes. This file contains all of the files which make up this document. Microsoft Word for Windows Version 2.0 and Microsoft Powerpoint Version 2.0 (and later Microsoft Powerpoint Version 3.0) were used to create all slides and documentation. Word for Windows files are type *.mww and Powerpoint files are type *.ppt. These files can only be read by one of these Microsoft programs. All other files are in standard ASCII text. The class notes document is organized as: 1. Cover page lp.mww 2. Class administration (lp.mww) a. Syllabus b. Schedule 3. Study notes (lp.mww) 4. Lecture notes a. Module 1: Intro m1.ppt b. Module 2: Planning m2.ppt c. Module 3: Analysis m3.ppt d. Module 4: Design m4.ppt e. Module 5: Coding m5.ppt f. Module 6: Testing m6.ppt g. Module 7: Maint. m7.ppt The m1a-c.ppt, m2a-d.ppt, and m3a-c.ppt files are segments of m1.ppt, m2.ppt, and m3.ppt respectively. They are not needed if m1, m2, and m3.ppt are used. Note that to obtain overheads, print each file m1.ppt, m2.ppt, ... in full slide format. To obtain notes pages, print each file m1.ppt, m2.ppt, ... in notes page format. H. Carter R. Conn 11 Nov 92 ************************************************************************* 1 File, 451682 Bytes ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:17:22 C01LAB1.ZIP 451682 Searching ZIP: b:C01LAB1.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 882 Implode 570 36% 624c8116 --w README 2689 Implode 1493 45% fa25e217 --w ADATUTOR/AD.TXT 26330 Implode 7879 71% dac37fbb --w ADATUTOR/ADA_TUTR.ADA 305728 Implode 105498 66% ff36d29b --w ADATUTOR/ADA_TUTR.DAT 18464 Stored 18464 0% 3bd704ef --w ADATUTOR/ADA_TUTR.EXE 158 Shrunk 133 16% fc3a25b7 --w ADATUTOR/ADD.ADA 768 Implode 513 34% f3e8a043 --w ADATUTOR/ALTCHAR.C 13668 Implode 3908 72% e46a47d4 --w ADATUTOR/BOOK.ADA 17423 Stored 17423 0% 45b1ec2f --w ADATUTOR/BOOK.EXE 2441 Implode 1150 53% 97352e8b --w ADATUTOR/CHANGESN.ADA 12972 Stored 12972 0% b5805062 --w ADATUTOR/CHANGESN.EXE 2880 Implode 775 74% b941f189 --w ADATUTOR/COUPON.TXT 2079 Implode 1041 50% f854aed2 --w ADATUTOR/DAT2TXT.ADA 10705 Stored 10705 0% 38997b59 --w ADATUTOR/DAT2TXT.EXE 2957 Implode 1514 49% 8dcfaf6c --w ADATUTOR/ED.ADA 2848 Implode 1105 62% c0257ee5 --w ADATUTOR/ED.DIR 261 Shrunk 204 22% 27de9776 --w ADATUTOR/FIB.ANS 144 Shrunk 132 9% 111c9980 --w ADATUTOR/FIB.DUM 912 Implode 455 51% 367f2daf --w ADATUTOR/FIBTEST.ADA 91 Shrunk 87 5% 7c6be744 --w ADATUTOR/HELLO.ADA 2151 Implode 950 56% 3f6f43d9 --w ADATUTOR/INVOICE.TXT 6915 Implode 2062 71% ee3f61e2 --w ADATUTOR/LEDIT.ANS 2795 Implode 1309 54% 3a2cff44 --w ADATUTOR/MERIDIAN.ADA 1992 Implode 883 56% 71c92d3b --w ADATUTOR/NEXTDATE.ADA 941 Implode 618 35% 7d511642 --w ADATUTOR/ONECHAR.C 87951 Implode 27666 69% cda3fd89 --w ADATUTOR/PRINT.ME 1348 Implode 850 37% 1189673f --w ADATUTOR/READ.ME 1574 Implode 739 54% 8c4742ab --w ADATUTOR/TASKING.ANS 1034 Implode 444 58% f77c039b --w ADATUTOR/TASKING.DUM 846 Implode 418 51% cb38b7d1 --w ADATUTOR/TOMORROW.ANS 155 Shrunk 138 11% b5a896ca --w ADATUTOR/TOMORROW.DUM 2616 Implode 730 73% d583a8eb --w ADATUTOR/TRITEST.ADA 522 Implode 295 44% dce2968e --w ADATUTOR/TRITYPE.ANS 219 Shrunk 191 13% 927d10bc --w ADATUTOR/TRITYPE.DUM 2358 Implode 1150 52% f5560678 --w ADATUTOR/TXT2DAT.ADA 2119 Implode 982 54% 4eb64936 --w ADATUTOR/UNIX.ADA 2702 Implode 1305 52% 921e674c --w ADATUTOR/VANILLA.ADA 4797 Implode 1842 62% a312b68c --w ADATUTOR/VAX.ADA 752 Implode 409 46% 07723ea6 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-1.ADA 282 Shrunk 138 52% c103687a --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-1.OUT 493 Implode 258 48% a44a31a6 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-2.ADA 110 Shrunk 84 24% 17f82502 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-2.OUT 1173 Implode 462 61% 8d344cd3 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-3.ADA 57 Shrunk 52 9% 4b18b6d7 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-3.OUT 460 Implode 334 28% cdf81091 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-4.ADA 324 Implode 120 63% 0ab8caa8 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-4.OUT 557 Implode 276 51% 0a5bbded --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-5.ADA 95 Shrunk 67 30% 639948df --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-5.OUT 609 Implode 302 51% f272b543 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-6.ADA 215 Shrunk 94 57% 9c8a54b1 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-6.OUT 731 Implode 409 45% 4c514805 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-1.ADA 191 Shrunk 125 35% f2cf4353 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-1.OUT 482 Implode 315 35% 08a015ff --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-10.ADA 185 Shrunk 114 39% 8316cf13 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-10.OUT 1135 Implode 517 55% 058ebe93 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-2.ADA 723 Implode 196 73% 8cad0b3a --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-2.OUT 1069 Implode 464 57% 3a9f78b4 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-3.ADA 156 Shrunk 89 43% 899f3c86 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-3.OUT 613 Implode 363 41% 60274422 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-4.ADA 313 Shrunk 188 40% dc1d1714 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-4.OUT 790 Implode 405 49% 825bf70d --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-5.ADA 157 Shrunk 78 51% a2c5ac3d --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-5.OUT 650 Implode 401 39% f72f10a6 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-6.ADA 72 Shrunk 50 31% 79f405b7 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-6.OUT 1954 Implode 740 63% c22773b8 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-7.ADA 236 Shrunk 178 25% 8476aa47 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-7.OUT 706 Implode 421 41% 6f415f28 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-8.ADA 70 Shrunk 43 39% f7982667 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-8.OUT 1792 Implode 556 69% db3c34fd --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-9.ADA 265 Shrunk 135 50% b7f38102 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-9.OUT 530 Implode 346 35% ede010ba --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-1.ADA 260 Shrunk 123 53% b03097ff --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-1.OUT 1010 Implode 538 47% 210a54eb --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-2.ADA 324 Implode 144 56% 451b1139 --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-2.OUT 403 Implode 304 25% 8cbe603e --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-3.ADA 392 Implode 188 53% 3e7e92b8 --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-3.OUT 1529 Implode 559 64% 7d6e1d0f --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-1.ADA 449 Implode 138 70% 903b6f86 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-1.OUT 2037 Implode 673 67% 97e6b469 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-2.ADA 449 Implode 138 70% 903b6f86 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-2.OUT 2549 Implode 969 62% 08e7160a --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-3.ADA 212 Shrunk 122 43% 745fe5d2 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-3.OUT 994 Implode 477 53% 4107a31b --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-4.ADA 210 Shrunk 95 55% a42f5530 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-4.OUT 1198 Implode 576 52% 9e90f335 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-5.ADA 468 Implode 133 72% afe1bdc2 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-5.OUT 10100 Implode 1590 85% 89ba2da3 --w ADAWKBK/TEXT_IO.ADA 157160 Implode 55193 65% 7e671bd6 --w ADAWKBK/WORKBOOK.MWW 7708 Implode 2260 71% b699031a --w DOCS/EVAL.MWW 89648 Implode 32365 64% ce1c9763 --w DOCS/LP.MWW 2433 Implode 991 60% 06a15059 --w DOCS/SCHEDULE.TEX 557 Implode 372 34% 2905bdac --w DOCS/README 13661 Implode 5674 59% 7b2f74ff --w DOCS/GUIDES/SDS.MWW 9277 Implode 3808 59% 5159d657 --w DOCS/GUIDES/SPP.MWW 7774 Implode 3298 58% 1d4d1688 --w DOCS/GUIDES/SRS.MWW 6158 Implode 2798 55% accc4362 --w DOCS/GUIDES/STS.MWW 6656 Implode 3172 53% a2272768 --w DOCS/GUIDES/STYLE.MWW 5849 Implode 1003 83% 48cc7841 --w SIMLATRS/AUTO.BDY 4450 Implode 738 84% 5e697d68 --w SIMLATRS/AUTO.SPC 2171 Implode 434 81% ba5c9a4d --w SIMLATRS/AUTO_TES.A 7107 Implode 1266 83% 656ccc02 --w SIMLATRS/BUOY.BDY 4398 Implode 793 82% 481b4708 --w SIMLATRS/BUOY.SPC 929 Implode 365 61% 77b8c68f --w SIMLATRS/BUOY_TES.A 1951 Implode 432 78% 65b35ffd --w SIMLATRS/MACROS.PTF 123264 Implode 49349 60% 1e02440e --w SIMLATRS/PTF.EXE 56752 Implode 24369 58% 30c37010 --w SIMLATRS/PTFIDX.EXE 3246 Implode 1105 66% 9cb0a47f --w SIMLATRS/READ.ME 8666 Implode 3161 64% 4a1f5857 --w SIMLATRS/SOWS.PTF 2977 Implode 760 75% 70707e57 --w SIMLATRS/SSI.BDY 2750 Implode 878 69% 087b6bb7 --w SIMLATRS/SSI.SPC 1369 Implode 557 60% cb0a1554 --w SIMLATRS/SSI_TEST.A ------ ------ --- ------- 1114877 439230 61% 111 This disk includes the software engineering course specific documentation and some educational support materials for learning Ada. The directories contain the following documents: directory Description --------- ------------------------------------------------ adatutor An interactive computer aided instruction system which leads the student through a systematic understanding of programming in Ada. Note that, even though adatutor is included here, it can only be used if a fee is paid to the program author. adawkbk This is a Ada learning workbook created by Richard Conn which was used in the course. docs The course-specific documentation is located in this directory. simlatrs Most of the lab project suggestions are simulation oriented. This directory contains the necessary driver code for these projects. ************************************************************************* 1 File, 217031 Bytes ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:17:46 C01LAB2.ZIP 217031 Searching ZIP: b:C01LAB2.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 332 Implode 284 15% ab1bc85a --w README 4082 Implode 1133 73% 56fd2114 --w CSPARTS/CLIALDOS.ADA 463 Implode 302 35% 14260fd5 --w CSPARTS/CLIBODY.INC 42618 Implode 7369 83% 64cee1a4 --w CSPARTS/CLIBODY.SRC 170 Shrunk 123 28% 9d38d759 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTB1.INC 171833 Implode 25014 86% e52c07f7 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTB1.SRC 284 Shrunk 182 36% 67536514 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTB2.INC 337885 Implode 60871 82% 8827057b --w CSPARTS/CSPARTB2.SRC 146 Shrunk 112 24% d5736693 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTB3.INC 161215 Implode 30709 81% 4c60eb21 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTB3.SRC 111 Shrunk 95 15% 15908b3b --w CSPARTS/CSPARTD.INC 36211 Implode 11358 69% b7067609 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTD.SRC 2360 Implode 544 77% 55a28604 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTS.CMD 540 Implode 290 47% c7684a62 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTS.INC 453290 Implode 76925 84% c181ad92 --w CSPARTS/CSPARTS.SRC ------ ------ --- ------- 1211540 215311 83% 15 This disk contains all source code (Ada specs and bodies) for a comprehensive library of software components which are useful for the projects in the software engineering laboratory course. In fact, students regularly report up to 85% code reuse by incorporating these components in their project designs and implementations. ************************************************************************* 1 File, 1310460 Bytes ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:18:52 C01LAB3.ZIP 1310460 Searching ZIP: b:C01LAB3.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 216 Shrunk 186 14% e5752df3 --w README 17311 Stored 17311 0% bf23cf85 --w PKUNZIP.EXE 571289 Stored 571289 0% 48a723de --w LRMRDR/LRM_PC.ZIP 721244 Stored 721244 0% b645c677 --w LRMRDR/LRM_SDD.ZIP ------ ------ --- ------- 1310060 1310030 1% 4 This disk (1 of 2) contains all design documentation and code for a well-written Ada program, an Ada LRM Reader, which can be used as an example of good software engineering practices. Note that the documents provided with this (an SRS, SUM, and SDD) are decidedly not perfect and provide good food for discussion of what such documents should and should not contain in order to effectively communicate to the reader. The Ada LRM Reader fills several needs: 1. It reduces the cost of giving the course by providing the students with a tool to interactively read the Ada LRM without having to buy a copy of it. The instructor can give it out to students to take home and install on their PCs. The instructor can also install it on the University workstations and PCs for general use (which is what we did). 2. It provides a fairly extensive example of an Object-Oriented Design and Programming in Ada. It is also quite easy to read. 3. The documents (Software Requirements Specification, Software User's Manual, and Software Design Document) are quite readable and provide examples for the students to follow. The documents also provide food for discussion on how to communicate requirements and design information effectively. ************************************************************************* 1 File, 780422 Bytes ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:19:40 C01LAB4.ZIP 780422 Searching ZIP: b:C01LAB4.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 17311 Stored 17311 0% bf23cf85 --w PKUNZIP.EXE 216 Shrunk 185 15% 46b6b1cd --w README 297911 Stored 297911 0% ee2ea82a --w LRMRDR/LRM_CHAP.ZIP 29161 Stored 29161 0% d0015c55 --w LRMRDR/LRM_CODE.ZIP 68595 Implode 64357 7% 9405bfd0 --w LRMRDR/LRM_REP.ZIP 173506 Stored 173506 0% 08eded88 --w LRMRDR/LRM_SRS.ZIP 193988 Stored 193988 0% 6c1bf110 --w LRMRDR/LRM_SUM.ZIP 3117 Stored 3117 0% 0597681f --w LRMRDR/LRM_TEST.ZIP ------ ------ --- ------- 783805 779536 1% 8 This disk (2 of 2) contains all design documentation and code for a well-written Ada program which can be used as an example of good software engineering practices. ************************************************************************* 2 Files, 250598 Bytes ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:20:06 C01LAB5.ZIP 230581 ---a 4 May 1993 0:39:38 C01LAB6.ZIP 20017 Searching ZIP: b:C01LAB5.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 429 Implode 298 31% afdf8362 --w README 474 Implode 304 36% f547e9c7 --w CONCORD/READ.ME 406 Implode 287 30% 4d3de846 --w CONCORD/READ.BAK 44942 Implode 19041 58% cc5012c4 --w CONCORD/PROJECT/PROJECT.MWW 21777 Implode 9284 58% 5007639e --w CONCORD/REQUIRE/REQUIRE.SLD 70069 Implode 20924 71% e2b28a6a --w CONCORD/REQUIRE/REQUIRE.MWW 132854 Implode 42115 69% b7105610 --w CONCORD/DESIGN/DESIGN.MWW 25252 Implode 8762 66% 336bb792 --w CONCORD/TEST/TEST2.DOC 450 Implode 298 34% 5dce8e78 --w CRUISE/README.HAL 2138 Implode 735 66% f7a738e8 --w CRUISE/CODE/MAIN.ADA 12304 Implode 2756 78% 8275786d --w CRUISE/CODE/CRUISE.BDY 6189 Implode 1488 76% 4e12248b --w CRUISE/CODE/CRUISE.SPC 24230 Implode 7390 70% bb9088c6 --w CRUISE/PROJPLAN/SPP.DOC 51445 Implode 11034 79% ea6d9d73 --w CRUISE/SOFTREQ/SRSDOC.DOC 148393 Implode 39065 74% 3ee1b47f --w CRUISE/DESIGN/SDS.DOC 29337 Implode 7745 74% 51a6c062 --w CRUISE/TESTPLAN/TESTPLAN.DOC 619 Implode 339 46% 0eacb208 --w SPACEMON/READ.ME 481 Implode 233 52% 7095121d --w SPACEMON/CHECKERB.SRC 264 Shrunk 209 21% 2db027d1 --w SPACEMON/CHECKERS.SRC 6043 Implode 1070 83% 22c0d27d --w SPACEMON/DISPLAYB.SRC 264 Shrunk 210 21% ca1a8643 --w SPACEMON/DISPLAYS.SRC 33 Stored 33 0% a60f4e2f --w SPACEMON/TYPEB.SRC 714 Implode 282 61% d395af73 --w SPACEMON/TYPES.SRC 17442 Implode 2079 89% ea687797 --w SPACEMON/CONSOLEB.SRC 19131 Implode 3874 80% 583c10e8 --w SPACEMON/CONSOLES.SRC 5574 Implode 1380 76% 84ca5459 --w SPACEMON/SENSORS.SRC 858 Implode 420 52% 77da6be8 --w SPACEMON/READ_SEN.ADA 122880 Implode 45618 63% ded8fb6c --w SPACEMON/READ_SEN ------ ------ --- ------- 744992 227273 70% 28 This disk contains three of the five software engineering projects carried out by student teams as a part of the software engineering laboratory course. The projects are: directory Descriptions # students --------- ----------------------------------- ---------- concord concordance generator 2 spacemon spacecraft monitoring simulation 3 cruise auto cruise control simulation 3 Searching ZIP: b:C01LAB6.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 5442 Implode 1772 68% deb72468 --w UC_IVV.DOC 24433 Implode 6077 76% effa5ced --w UC_SDD.DOC 13681 Implode 4155 70% eef73825 --w UC_SDP.DOC 16338 Implode 4649 72% 368e8ba6 --w UC_SRS.DOC 7445 Implode 2170 71% b2bb7eb7 --w UC_SUM.DOC 1000 Implode 604 40% be19e1b8 --w README ------ ------ --- ------- 68339 19427 72% 6 These files are templates for the students to use to create their documents for the Software Engineering Lab. These are Interleaf 5.0 files, and they allow the students to place diagrams (ERDs, DFDs, OIDs, etc) into their documents. Based on 2167A, the documents produced are quite similar to 2167A in format, but, during class, the good ideas of 2167A were stressed without mentioning that they came from a DoD standard. If you do not have Interleaf, get a copy of the Portable Text Formatter (PTF) and the DoD-STD-2167A DID templates from the Ada Software Repository at White Sands (use the mirror sites ... NOT White Sands directly!). You can compile PTF and then run it on the DID templates to create similar documents, but the students will have to paste in their own diagrams. UC_IVV.DOC 5442 Verification/Validation UC_SDD.DOC 24433 Design Document UC_SDP.DOC 13681 Development Plan UC_SRS.DOC 16338 Requirements Document UC_SUM.DOC 7445 User's Manual ************************************************************************* 2 Files, 1412975 Bytes ---a 2 May 1993 21:51:20 C01PSE1.ZIP 990680 ---a 2 May 1993 21:51:44 C01PSE2.ZIP 422295 Searching ZIP: b:C01PSE1.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 189874 Implode 60170 69% 31de66a0 --w CUST_ART.PS 93545 Implode 21391 78% 8d40f55c --w LP.PS 225479 Implode 50052 78% c4e43a76 --w M1.PS 337463 Implode 78422 77% b160fa35 --w M1_S.PS 154802 Implode 39125 75% 29baac8d --w M1A_S.PS 127043 Implode 30430 77% 76a02c1c --w M1A.PS 32071 Implode 9729 70% 8db0b905 --w M1B.PS 37209 Implode 10346 73% 23bb8bb5 --w M1B_S.PS 169546 Implode 40486 77% 4f208acf --w M1C_S.PS 96822 Implode 22144 78% 4feb5b8a --w M1C.PS 16305 Implode 6360 61% eebb7199 --w M1COV.PS 22033 Implode 7731 65% 3d357047 --w M1COV_S.PS 255948 Implode 78441 70% b1966cc8 --w M2.PS 307946 Implode 80782 74% a729bc4b --w M2_S.PS 25550 Implode 8721 66% 0b1ca265 --w M2A_S.PS 17830 Implode 6622 63% 32b47e06 --w M2A.PS 87508 Implode 20645 77% f7ba78d7 --w M2B.PS 107551 Implode 20992 81% 635535c1 --w M2B_S.PS 135370 Implode 52196 62% f69763b1 --w M2C_S.PS 126329 Implode 53230 58% d21a0b99 --w M2C.PS 68131 Implode 16136 77% 8e6b094f --w M2D.PS 81364 Implode 17191 79% 5d739ed6 --w M2D_S.PS 17057 Implode 6543 62% 9097722e --w M2COV_S.PS 15799 Implode 6201 61% 3c936321 --w M2COV.PS 218183 Implode 51975 77% a2dcea72 --w M3.PS 246661 Implode 50914 80% 50c62685 --w M3_S.PS 69310 Implode 17399 75% 7919c799 --w M3A_S.PS 64991 Implode 18257 72% b6cf13a5 --w M3A.PS 152542 Implode 36769 76% 34b006b2 --w M3B.PS 173626 Implode 36277 80% ca1959cf --w M3B_S.PS 28663 Implode 8931 69% 057757b3 --w M3C_S.PS 27046 Implode 8904 68% 80e806e4 --w M3C.PS 16512 Implode 6417 62% 7d88981d --w M3COV.PS 16452 Implode 6409 62% 836ba90e --w M3COV_S.PS 2234 Implode 1154 49% 77aa63d4 --w READ.ME ------ ------ --- ------- 3764795 987492 74% 35 Searching ZIP: b:C01PSE2.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 129918 Implode 25488 81% 09fc7485 --w M4_S.PS 112729 Implode 25696 78% 1dc51cc9 --w M4.PS 141092 Implode 38986 73% 3e7602f6 --w M5.PS 190631 Implode 51342 74% c5f84ffa --w M5_S.PS 248620 Implode 84431 67% 54ad7cd5 --w M6_S.PS 209236 Implode 78322 63% 88470978 --w M6.PS 143920 Implode 55935 62% 48a46946 --w M7.PS 171043 Implode 61369 65% fecb6b28 --w M7_S.PS ------ ------ --- ------- 1347189 421569 69% 8 All of the slides used in the software engineering course are contained in this directory. The slides are organized into modules m1 through m7. All files except this readme file were created using Microsoft Powerpoint ver. 3.0. This ZIP archive contains all the files in Postscript format. Directory contents: File Description # slides ------ ---------------------------------------- -------- Intro to Software Engineering 46 Software Engineering Project Planning 71 Software Requirements 65 Software Design 36 Programming Language Issues 21 Software Testing 43 Delivery and Maintenance 24 File of clip art used in the files above. They were selected from the clip art files provided with PowerPoint. Files,,, and are sections of separated for easier handling. Taken together, they comprise the file. The same holds for and All student notes are contained in a single document called Class Notes. This directory contains all of the files which make up this document. Microsoft Word for Windows Version 2.0 and Microsoft Powerpoint Version 2.0 were used to create all slides and documentation. Word for Windows files are type *.mww and Powerpoint files are type *.ppt. These files can only be read by one of these Microsoft programs. This disk contains the output listing of these files in Postscript format. The class notes document is organized as: 1. Cover page 2. Class administration ( a. Syllabus b. Schedule 3. Study notes ( 4. Lecture notes a. Module 1: Intro b. Module 2: Planning c. Module 3: Analysis d. Module 4: Design e. Module 5: Coding f. Module 6: Testing g. Module 7: Maint. The,, and files are segments of,, and respectively. They are not needed if m1, m2, and are used. H. Carter R. Conn 11 Nov 92 ************************************************************************* 1 File, 217400 Bytes ---a 2 May 1993 22:46:20 C01PLAB.ZIP 217400 Searching ZIP: b:C01PLAB.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 601 Implode 333 45% 323e9680 --w READ.ME 34327 Implode 9814 72% 48d7b327 --w EVAL.PS 34859 Implode 11699 67% bd8a2d41 --w SDS.PS 217372 Implode 55631 75% 0e5c7320 --w LP.PS 26253 Implode 9290 65% c8414930 --w SPP.PS 26126 Implode 8719 67% 9f479056 --w SRS.PS 22603 Implode 8100 65% 3ee31e8f --w STS.PS 21654 Implode 8290 62% 3ef55772 --w STYLE.PS 476979 Implode 104696 79% 8a6194a6 --w ADAWKBK.PS ------ ------ --- ------- 860774 216572 75% 9 These are Postscript versions of the lab documents. ADAWKBK.PS 476979 Ada Programming Workbook EVAL.PS 34327 Project Evaluation LP.PS 217372 Lab Lesson Plan SDS.PS 34859 Software Dev Spec SPP.PS 26253 Software Proj Plan SRS.PS 26126 Software Req Spec STS.PS 22603 Software Test Spec STYLE.PS 21654 Coding Style ************************************************************************* 1 File, 337197 Bytes ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:21:10 C01OOP.ZIP 337197 Searching ZIP: b:C01OOP.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 3984 Implode 1282 68% 3fd4ffee --w CODEEVAL.MWW 10780 Implode 4569 58% 2c611173 --w COVER.PPT 3362 Implode 1156 66% b2c50116 --w DELIVERY.MWW 4096 Implode 1579 62% c71130b1 --w HOMETERM.MWW 14774 Implode 5576 63% c45bd014 --w LP.MWW 85292 Implode 40687 53% 686f127d --w M1.PPT 62684 Implode 21218 67% cc204afb --w M2.PPT 102092 Implode 36412 65% 7bb97f65 --w M3.PPT 92340 Implode 34573 63% b53e8e75 --w M4.PPT 66380 Implode 25083 63% f6848993 --w M5.PPT 10509 Implode 3951 63% de85cbff --w MIDTERM.MWW 13340 Implode 4625 66% 6eefac4a --w MIDTERMS.MWW 3901 Implode 1282 68% 0e0e64ba --w PROTEAM.MWW 5013 Implode 1964 61% 9de17a06 --w PROTEVAL.MWW 14830 Implode 5858 61% 0eb101f7 --w SDD_EVAL.MWW 19494 Implode 6951 65% 86185930 --w SRS_EVAL.MWW 598 Implode 425 29% 0a3a6d2e --w TRIBUNAL.TXT 603 Implode 416 32% 0b5faf12 --w README 752 Implode 409 46% 07723ea6 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-1.ADA 282 Shrunk 138 52% c103687a --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-1.OUT 493 Implode 258 48% a44a31a6 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-2.ADA 110 Shrunk 84 24% 17f82502 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-2.OUT 1173 Implode 462 61% 8d344cd3 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-3.ADA 57 Shrunk 52 9% 4b18b6d7 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-3.OUT 460 Implode 334 28% cdf81091 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-4.ADA 324 Implode 120 63% 0ab8caa8 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-4.OUT 557 Implode 276 51% 0a5bbded --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-5.ADA 95 Shrunk 67 30% 639948df --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-5.OUT 609 Implode 302 51% f272b543 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-6.ADA 215 Shrunk 94 57% 9c8a54b1 --w ADAWKBK/SOL1-6.OUT 731 Implode 409 45% 4c514805 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-1.ADA 191 Shrunk 125 35% f2cf4353 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-1.OUT 482 Implode 315 35% 08a015ff --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-10.ADA 185 Shrunk 114 39% 8316cf13 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-10.OUT 1135 Implode 517 55% 058ebe93 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-2.ADA 723 Implode 196 73% 8cad0b3a --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-2.OUT 1069 Implode 464 57% 3a9f78b4 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-3.ADA 156 Shrunk 89 43% 899f3c86 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-3.OUT 613 Implode 363 41% 60274422 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-4.ADA 313 Shrunk 188 40% dc1d1714 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-4.OUT 790 Implode 405 49% 825bf70d --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-5.ADA 157 Shrunk 78 51% a2c5ac3d --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-5.OUT 650 Implode 401 39% f72f10a6 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-6.ADA 72 Shrunk 50 31% 79f405b7 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-6.OUT 1954 Implode 740 63% c22773b8 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-7.ADA 236 Shrunk 178 25% 8476aa47 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-7.OUT 706 Implode 421 41% 6f415f28 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-8.ADA 70 Shrunk 43 39% f7982667 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-8.OUT 1792 Implode 556 69% db3c34fd --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-9.ADA 265 Shrunk 135 50% b7f38102 --w ADAWKBK/SOL2-9.OUT 530 Implode 346 35% ede010ba --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-1.ADA 260 Shrunk 123 53% b03097ff --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-1.OUT 1010 Implode 538 47% 210a54eb --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-2.ADA 324 Implode 144 56% 451b1139 --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-2.OUT 403 Implode 304 25% 8cbe603e --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-3.ADA 392 Implode 188 53% 3e7e92b8 --w ADAWKBK/SOL3-3.OUT 1529 Implode 559 64% 7d6e1d0f --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-1.ADA 449 Implode 138 70% 903b6f86 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-1.OUT 2037 Implode 673 67% 97e6b469 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-2.ADA 449 Implode 138 70% 903b6f86 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-2.OUT 2549 Implode 969 62% 08e7160a --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-3.ADA 212 Shrunk 122 43% 745fe5d2 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-3.OUT 994 Implode 477 53% 4107a31b --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-4.ADA 210 Shrunk 95 55% a42f5530 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-4.OUT 1198 Implode 576 52% 9e90f335 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-5.ADA 468 Implode 133 72% afe1bdc2 --w ADAWKBK/SOL4-5.OUT 10100 Implode 1590 85% 89ba2da3 --w ADAWKBK/TEXT_IO.ADA 157160 Implode 55193 65% 7e671bd6 --w ADAWKBK/WORKBOOK.MWW 572 Implode 199 66% b9a6e236 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-1.TXT 561 Implode 340 40% 1466fe09 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-2.CPP 86 Shrunk 81 6% 7012682a --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-2.OUT 529 Implode 307 42% cc271173 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-3.CPP 72 Shrunk 66 9% 06d3eb19 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-3.OUT 645 Implode 360 45% 65329e52 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-4.CPP 236 Shrunk 166 30% 03fbb65e --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-4.OUT 383 Implode 252 35% d888d6d5 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-5.CPP 114 Shrunk 101 12% e48b9af1 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-5.OUT 241 Shrunk 201 17% 49b3b390 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-6.CPP 82 Shrunk 78 5% ff3136bf --w CPPWKBK/CPPV1-6.OUT 151 Shrunk 143 6% af2f3770 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-11.CPP 253 Shrunk 216 15% bd9c2e95 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-12.CPP 256 Shrunk 221 14% 4ced8b35 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-13.CPP 347 Implode 264 24% 13e832a9 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-1A.MAK 700 Implode 305 57% 7d266dcc --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-1A.OUT 325 Implode 240 27% 8555a92b --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-1B.MAK 706 Implode 304 57% e4dd295d --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-1B.OUT 458 Implode 294 36% 017918e6 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-2.CPP 523 Implode 156 71% efd1d01b --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-2.OUT 312 Shrunk 242 23% bc58796f --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-3.CPP 107 Shrunk 102 5% 09c3e699 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-3.OUT 464 Implode 252 46% c6f61dd9 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-4.CPP 293 Shrunk 166 44% 6d2eeda6 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-4.OUT 216 Shrunk 191 12% 0e3ba0fd --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-5.C 216 Shrunk 191 12% 0e3ba0fd --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-5.CPP 517 Implode 312 40% c2efcaf7 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-5.OUT 553 Implode 365 34% 3626d915 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-6.CPP 170 Shrunk 150 12% e140f7f0 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-6.OUT 803 Implode 429 47% 304d3be6 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-7.CPP 275 Shrunk 186 33% 03000ac0 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV2-7.OUT 771 Implode 336 57% bd8376cd --w CPPWKBK/CPPV3-1.CPP 128 Shrunk 102 21% af8a6aca --w CPPWKBK/CPPV3-1.OUT 995 Implode 475 53% a3f3513b --w CPPWKBK/CPPV3-2.CPP 221 Shrunk 160 28% d3beabcd --w CPPWKBK/CPPV3-2.OUT 1225 Implode 601 51% 86002c42 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV3-3.CPP 237 Shrunk 177 26% c0ed5cd9 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV3-3.OUT 592 Implode 299 50% a933d3a7 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-1.CPP 1609 Implode 509 69% 74981f78 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-1.H 565 Implode 172 70% 7ab11c30 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-1.OUT 868 Implode 434 50% 50f4e7a8 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-2.CPP 146 Shrunk 110 25% 60591c59 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-2.OUT 1071 Implode 448 59% f0297a95 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-3.CPP 213 Shrunk 175 18% c2cab32e --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-3.OUT 1978 Implode 651 68% 4898d79a --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-4.CPP 602 Implode 238 61% c5fd3e3d --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-4.OUT 1092 Implode 436 61% 5bff3b8c --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-5.CPP 741 Implode 186 75% ff0c21f2 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV4-5.OUT 1022 Implode 445 57% da98d8bb --w CPPWKBK/CPPV5-1.CPP 151 Shrunk 121 20% 07787dbc --w CPPWKBK/CPPV5-1.OUT 1143 Implode 514 56% d74288f0 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV5-2.CPP 69 Stored 69 0% b7811370 --w CPPWKBK/CPPV5-2.OUT 884 Implode 440 51% adee346e --w CPPWKBK/CPPV5-3.CPP 60 Stored 60 0% 315c52cd --w CPPWKBK/CPPV5-3.OUT 2070 Implode 650 69% bd7c5bed --w CPPWKBK/CPPV5-4.CPP 565 Implode 173 70% a0c5a4ae --w CPPWKBK/CPPV5-4.OUT 110942 Implode 40196 64% 548f0cda --w CPPWKBK/WORKBOOK.MWW ------ ------ --- ------- 852889 323353 63% 125 These files are associated with the Ada/C++ Object-Oriented Programming course taught at the University of Cincinnati by Richard Conn. Workbook directories: ADAWKBK -- workbook on Ada programming language CPPWKBK -- workbook on C++ programming language Transparencies (Cover pages and Modules 1-5): COVER.PPT M1.PPT M2.PPT M3.PPT M4.PPT M5.PPT Lesson Plan: LP.MWW Exams and instructions to students: CODEEVAL.MWW DELIVERY.MWW HOMETERM.MWW MIDTERM.MWW MIDTERMS.MWW PROTEAM.MWW PROTEVAL.MWW SDD_EVAL.MWW SRS_EVAL.MWW TRIBUNAL.TXT ************************************************************************* 1 File, 672600 Bytes ---a 2 May 1993 23:20:54 C01POOP.ZIP 672600 Searching ZIP: b:C01POOP.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 918 Implode 543 41% 20b0c7ac --w READ.ME 27186 Implode 8665 69% 242e8feb --w COVER.PS 34062 Implode 9596 72% ef018193 --w COVER_S.PS 216773 Implode 52696 76% 4cd2e494 --w M1_S.PS 142629 Implode 33266 77% 51a807fa --w M1.PS 83340 Implode 18162 79% 143c4226 --w M2.PS 144291 Implode 31468 79% dd7877e3 --w M2_S.PS 240747 Implode 50205 80% 1f62ed2a --w M3_S.PS 148728 Implode 30685 80% b7eb20d1 --w M3.PS 150731 Implode 32553 79% 140cfe14 --w M4.PS 242160 Implode 51096 79% 29571e19 --w M4_S.PS 205510 Implode 37333 82% 9e60e0fb --w M5_S.PS 150644 Implode 31559 80% 533ac692 --w M5.PS 431573 Implode 88637 80% c14c6729 --w CPPWKBK.PS 20305 Implode 6869 67% 3fe30132 --w CODEEVAL.PS 15509 Implode 6282 60% f8f78613 --w DELIVERY.PS 14398 Implode 6157 58% 19e7cf9a --w HOMETERM.PS 49046 Implode 11911 76% e2f4490b --w LP.PS 24452 Implode 8384 66% 7ee615dd --w MIDTERM.PS 30720 Implode 10012 68% 91ea504f --w MIDTERMS.PS 25468 Implode 7971 69% 8bcc5155 --w PROTEAM.PS 21565 Implode 7344 66% 41f3b312 --w PROTEVAL.PS 36542 Implode 11476 69% 8082375d --w SDD_EVAL.PS 38560 Implode 12622 68% 128e51a7 --w SRS_EVAL.PS 477677 Implode 104772 79% b85498e3 --w ADAWKBK.PS ------ ------ --- ------- 2973534 670264 78% 25 These Postscript files are associated with the Ada/C++ Object-Oriented Programming course taught at the University of Cincinnati by Richard Conn. These are generated from files in C01OOP.ZIP. Workbooks: ADAWKBK.PS -- workbook on Ada programming language CPPWKBK.PS -- workbook on C++ programming language Transparencies (Cover pages and Modules 1-5): COVER.PS M1.PS M2.PS M3.PS M4.PS M5.PS Lesson Plan and Student Handouts: LP.PS COVER_S.PS M1_S.PS M2_S.PS M3_S.PS M4_S.PS M5_S.PS Exams and instructions to students: CODEEVAL.PS - how code is to be evaluated DELIVERY.PS - how code is to be delivered MIDTERM.PS - in-class midterm HOMETERM.PS - take-home part of midterm MIDTERMS.PS - solution to midterm PROTEAM.PS - team member profile PROTEVAL.PS - how code prototype is to be evaluated SDD_EVAL.PS - how SDD is to be evaluated SRS_EVAL.PS - how SRS is to be evaluated ************************************************************************* 1 File, 343619 Bytes ---a 23 Apr 1993 22:20:40 C01OOD.ZIP 343619 Searching ZIP: b:C01OOD.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 42370 Implode 8737 80% 1878a61e --w CLASS.TXT 9532 Implode 4130 57% f66bb1b1 --w COVER.PPT 157332 Implode 81320 49% f9bbe3a4 --w CUST_ART.PPT 17525 Implode 4588 74% b1bf634d --w FINALEX.MWW 25664 Implode 10665 59% e7e478f2 --w LP.MWW 151060 Implode 64114 58% 98fd747a --w M1.PPT 57420 Implode 18961 67% 48a34765 --w M2.PPT 62012 Implode 20821 67% 59b0ea25 --w M3.PPT 92740 Implode 27878 70% fb73ecc4 --w M4.PPT 34356 Implode 10454 70% ecc45a11 --w M5.PPT 14644 Implode 5115 66% 7163cdca --w M6.PPT 57852 Implode 17821 70% 1e761c70 --w M7.PPT 8803 Implode 4072 54% b8bb22c7 --w MIDTERM.MWW 35580 Implode 10267 72% 0a48fd5a --w MNEED.PPT 3564 Implode 1837 49% f1415cfb --w OODFINAL.TXT 64520 Implode 17434 73% 9a08b217 --w PS_MOD2.MWW 634 Implode 408 36% 370f6476 --w README 124855 Implode 31111 76% 5caf1051 --w SOLUTION.MWW 4908 Implode 2102 58% 9af09e26 --w TEMPL.PPT ------ ------ --- ------- 965371 341835 65% 19 Files which comprise the OOD Course given by Richard Conn at the University of Cincinnati. Lesson Plan and Student Workbook -- LP.MWW 25664 Course Slides -- COVER.PPT 9532 MNEED.PPT 35580 M1.PPT 151060 M2.PPT 57420 M3.PPT 62012 M4.PPT 88948 M5.PPT 34356 M6.PPT 14644 M7.PPT 57852 In-Class Problem Set for Module 2 -- PS_MOD2.MWW 64520 ************************************************************************* 1 File, 597264 Bytes ---a 2 May 1993 22:47:18 C01POOD.ZIP 597264 Searching ZIP: b:C01POOD.ZIP Length Method Size Ratio CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ------ ---- ---- 484 Implode 334 31% 9b2d1d57 --w READ.ME 25047 Implode 8291 67% 22b6f687 --w COVER.PS 20905 Implode 8337 61% 31c6f660 --w FINALEX.PS 64309 Implode 14992 77% 3eee6d10 --w LP.PS 22510 Implode 8202 64% 88452388 --w MIDTERM.PS 35212 Implode 11329 68% 7749d8b5 --w PS_MOD2.PS 76495 Implode 20904 73% 0a07ba2a --w SOLUTION.PS 30507 Implode 9039 71% 79137de0 --w COVER_S.PS 189875 Implode 60173 69% 0d47187c --w CUST_ART.PS 248027 Implode 53618 79% da60baae --w M1.PS 394933 Implode 88802 78% dfd20c8b --w M1_S.PS 140077 Implode 28815 80% 73177389 --w M2_S.PS 88194 Implode 19015 79% e4fcd4e1 --w M2.PS 104594 Implode 24684 77% b8fe8ad7 --w M3.PS 168147 Implode 33690 80% fd079452 --w M3_S.PS 245794 Implode 42497 83% 42adc567 --w M4_S.PS 138239 Implode 31309 78% 6c83ce3c --w M4.PS 55532 Implode 14746 74% a014eed9 --w M5.PS 98060 Implode 18371 82% efbbcadc --w M5_S.PS 43318 Implode 10358 77% 88f571a9 --w M6_S.PS 28871 Implode 8979 69% 9f3d4550 --w M6.PS 81469 Implode 20704 75% 65615895 --w M7.PS 140395 Implode 26852 81% a439d21d --w M7_S.PS 96126 Implode 17361 82% 222c7a22 --w MNEED_S.PS 49387 Implode 13572 73% 337395c7 --w MNEED.PS ------ ------ --- ------- 2586507 594974 77% 25 Postscript Files which comprise the OOD Course given by Richard Conn at the University of Cincinnati. These are generated from files in C01OOD.ZIP. Lesson Plan and Student Workbook -- LP.PS Student Handouts of Course Slides -- COVER_S.PS MNEED_S.PS M1_S.PS M2_S.PS M3_S.PS M4_S.PS M5_S.PS M6_S.PS M7_S.PS Course Slides -- COVER.PS MNEED.PS M1.PS M2.PS M3.PS M4.PS M5.PS M6.PS M7.PS In-Class Problem Set for Module 2 -- PS_MOD2.PS Other -- FINALEX.PS - Final Exam MIDTERM.PS - Midterm Exam SOLUTION.PS *************************************************************************